
General Hospital of Pingxiang Mining

General Hospital of Pingxiang Mining


GRADE:Grade III Hospital

KEY SUBJECT:Burn Plastic Surgery, Urology

HOSPITAL WEBSITE:http://www.hrpkzyy.com/

  • 1904


  • 871+


  • 561+


The hospital is currently the only state-owned enterprise in Jiangxi province who is a Grade III Hospital. It opened 34 clinical departments, 11 medical technology departments. Uremic hemodialysis percutaneous transluminal angioplasty ranked 8th in Jiangxi Province, and percutaneous coronary intervention ranked 2nd in Pingxiang City. The hospital is a national demonstration unit of traditional Chinese medicine in general hospitals, and a State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine construction unit for the treatment of snakebite. The Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology of Chinese medicine is a provincial key discipline,  and the department of Endocrinology, respiratory and critical care medicine is a provincial and municipal co-established discipline, and the Department of Urology, Burn and blood transfusion are city key disciplines. The hospital is a joint medical unit of Hunan Cancer Hospital and the second affiliated hospital of Nanchang University. It is a non-directly affiliated hospital of Yichun College.